Sunday, August 1, 2010


This is going to be a two part post, in which the two parts seem to have little/nothing in common.

Part one:
There is an underlying current of magic that courses through my life. I know that sounds a bit silly, or childish, but it's totally true. I met Lee on the internet. On AIM, to be exact, back when people still used AIM (do people still use it?) My screen name at the time was Lord of the Rings related, and had to do with Hobbits (AKA, my kin-folk). This screen name led to a long conversation about Lord of the Rings, which, apparently was the main thing that Lee found attractive about me. If it weren't for Lord of the Rings, I would never have intrigued him enough for him to want to meet me in real life.

After Gabriella's birth, I was struggling a lot. It's hard to have a baby with a severe feeding issue, who never sleeps and cries in pain all day long for her first six months of life. I found my refuge in Harry Potter. Those books are what kept me going day after day. JK Rowling saved my life. The magic gave me something to believe in. Something amazing. It helped me see that the world is a truly magical place (even if there is no real magic).

Part two:
As I am a very Earth conscious person, who loves this planet and wants to save it from people who are callous and don't care about it the way they should (Hello, people, we've only got ONE planet!!), I had great environmental plans for parenting. I would breastfeed, of course, use cloth diapers once things got "settled," and only feed my child organic foods. So far, I've only achieved one of those things, and she's certainly had some non-organic foods in there, so even that one is not 100%. I am now going to take the steps to cloth diaper, at least most of the time. I bought 10 FuzziBunz diapers, a FuzziBunz diaper bag, reusable wipes, and some wool dryer balls. I'm really excited to start using the cloth diapers. I did an obscene amount of research on cloth diapers before choosing the FuzziBunz One Size diapers, and feel really good about that choice. I can't wait to get them! I ordered 6/10 from a local company, so I also feel great about supporting local business! I do, however, have a large stash of disposable diapers, that will likely get returned to Target by us and my mom, because I don't have receipts and I'm sure it's more than $100 worth of diapers. Maybe I'll give some away to the disposable diaper users I know, too.

I'm also looking forward to a "green" festival that's happening in two weeks right down the road from where I live. I hope there are good vendors there and that we meet cool people.

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