Monday, July 26, 2010

Times are changin'

The late twenties is a very interesting age range. I feel like it's the age group with the biggest variety in lifestyle. I know people who are still single and hitting up the bar scene regularly. I know people who are newlywed. I know people who have kids. I even know people who are divorced. Yet, we are all the same age. I can't imagine too many other times in our lives when there would be this much variety in lifestyles. It's just so interesting to me.

Today I made myself a salad with lettuce from our garden. I love that we have lettuce in the garden, because it's so convenient. However, it can be a pain to get clean, and I definitely just ate a piece with dirt still on it. Ew!

So, lately I've been wondering if there is a genetic link to certain breastfeeding issues. I know most people will simply say, "no," but I think it's worth considering. In my own case, I know that my mom has severely inverted nipples, which is why she was unable to breastfeed. 26 years later, I discover that I have one inverted nipple, and encounter troubles with breastfeeding because of this. Why wouldn't nipple type/shape be inherited? Makes sense to me. In fact, in the days before formula, this may have been something that would have been "weeded out" by the fact that a woman with seriously inverted nipples (like my mom) wouldn't have been able to feed her offspring, and they would have likely died. Thus ending the line, and the nipple issue. I would imagine that genuine low supply issues are the same way. I know I'm glad my mom had me in a time and place when formula feeding was available and safe. Otherwise, I would have been an infant mortality statistic.

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