Saturday, July 24, 2010

The happenings

Gabby is 16-months old today! In the last five days, she's had a verbal explosion, and is not only saying all of the words she had previously seemed to forget, but has added many others, including "love," "ball," and "poop," among others. So exciting! Here I was starting to feel like she was never going to really speak. What a relief!

However, this verbal explosion seemed to be triggered by a tumble down the stairs. On Monday, I was upstairs trying to clean our room. Gabby was in the bathroom, and I assumed, incorrectly, that the door into the hallway was closed. All of a sudden, I heard a really loud "thud," and for a moment thought, "what did she drop?" Then I realized, she dropped! I ran out into the hallway at the same time that Lee was running up the stairs. There was poor little Gabby, laying on the landing, crying. She had no visibly damage, and was just shaken up badly. Of course, I blamed myself, and then I blamed Lee, for not installing the gate upstairs as I had asked him to do months ago.

Lee's mom and grandma were on their way over for dinner. Of course, great timing, right? I wanted Lee to call them and tell them not to come. I wanted to take Gabby to the ER. Instead, we called my uncle Anthony, Gabby's pediatrician. He said to just monitor her for six-hours. So, Dale and Cecilia came over. Lee didn't even tell them what had happened, but they kept taking darn flash pictures of Gabby. With every flash, she would stumble, and finally I looked at Lee and said, "I really don't think the flash is a good idea!" Dale and Cecilia looked at me like I was being a bitch, and I just turned to them and said, "she fell down the stairs right before you came." I don't know why Lee didn't want to tell them. It would have done me a lot of good. I'm sure they were wondering why I was in a sour mood.

Thankfully, Gabby was fine, and now she's talking up a storm! Weird. Oh, and Lee put up the safety gate that night before Gabby went to bed.

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