Thursday, July 22, 2010

A beginning...

I should have started blogging a long time ago. Maybe when I was planning my wedding (2006), or when I got pregnant (2008), or heck, even when my daughter, Gabriella, was born (2009). I'm a little late to the blog party, but I suppose it's better late than never, right?

So, let's just sum up. I'm Samantha. I'm married to Lee (yes, it's a boy's name, too). We have a 16-month old daughter named Gabriella. I'm a stay at home mom, but I used to teach Emotional Support students. Someday, I'll teach again, but for now I love being at home with Gabby. We live in a suburb outside Pittsburgh. It's where I was raised, and I've never lived anywhere else. I'd like to, but with my whole family here, it's not likely to happen anytime soon.

We're hoping to have a second child sometime in the next 1-1 1/2 years, and are going to start "trying" this coming Autumn. I recently discovered that I have a Luteal Phase Defect, so I just (like, literally, today) started taking B6 supplements to try to fix my cycles. If the Luteal phase isn't long enough, there is no chance of a pregnancy.

Gabby is pretty much the coolest little kid ever. She was a total pain in the rear early on, though. She had severe GERD and almost needed a feeding tube because she had such a severe feeding aversion. I wasn't able to breastfeed her, and that's something that still annoys me. I hope I'll be able to breastfeed if we have a second kid, but I have an inverted nipple (just the one...), so it might not work out. Bottle feeding is just so annoying.

Anyway, now that Gabs is a toddler, she's so great! She's really cuddly, sweet and loving. I couldn't have imagined a better child!

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